Had this thought last night getting ready for bed and wrote this this AM.
Miss and love you Parker.
Your absence left a hole so great I wasn’t sure I’d ever see the sun again.
But five years later I’m blown away by how many blessings can accumulate in that time.
Good friends
Good meals
Good laughs
Good trips
Good books
Good pitch shots to a tucked pin
Good coffee on a cold weekend
Good Thursday nights
Good Sunday mornings
These little blessings add up.
They fill more of the hole than I thought possible.
The big blessings help, too.
Seeing your amazing daughter start her own precious family.
Marveling at your incredible wife as she becomes more beautiful and strong every day.
Watching your granddaughter applaud herself for toppling a stack of blocks.
Feeling God's presence as he heals you and your family in ways you don’t even understand.
Five years later I sit with two truths I can’t shake...
There are more blessings than I ever thought there could be.
(So many that I see the sun again every day.)
But also, there are no amount of blessings that could ever come close to filling this hole.
It is so much greater than I realized.
You were that special. You are that missed. We are scarred, broken, and incomplete without you here.
How have we not lost ourselves in such a hole?
The little blessings.
And the big blessings.
And the memories of knowing and loving you, Parker.
The sun is bright. The hole is great. God is greater.
Grief can be so hard. Glad you see God in even the hard parts. Praying for peace for all of us this holiday who have had deep loss. ❤️🩹